AI Prompts: A Free Generator for Digital Marketing & SEO in Google Sheets

AI Prompts: A Free Generator for Digital Marketing & SEO in Google Sheets

Digital marketing campaigns, content marketing, and SEO processes that don’t leverage the opportunities given by the latest AI functionalities and tools; to improve the speed while improving -or at the very least, keeping- the quality of the outcome, will eventually struggle to be competitive in a not-so-far future.

This is why it’s critical for digital marketers, content marketers and SEOs to:

To achieve the latter, I’ve found taking into account the “5Ws and the H” to be really handy, as they can highly facilitate to specify AI prompts that provide all the necessary details to generate high-quality results that require little iteration or refinement:

To facilitate the generation of digital marketing, content marketing and SEO related AI prompts using the 5Ws and the H, I’ve created this simple and free to use Google Sheet generator, that you can copy too (Just go to “File” > “Make a Copy”), featuring 3 different examples that you can use to specify your own prompt in column B:

Here’s how the prompts examples perform with ChatGPT, the Bing bot, Chatsonic and even Bard (although this one only in English) to generate quality outputs across different scenarios:

“Create 5 title tags to be featured in a white jeans category page. The characteristics to take into account are the following: descriptive, in English, relevant, engaging, following SEO best practices, of no more of 50 characters each. The target audience are potential jeans buyers. To be used at an ongoing basis with the goal to engage the audience and rank better in search results.”

The input/output in English with Bing bot:

The input/output in Spanish with Bing:

The input/output in Spanish with ChatGPT:

In general, the outputs are useful and pretty much ready to fulfill their need.

“Create a hub and spoke model from a list of these keywords, taking their search intent into consideration to group them: remote work, remote work spain, remote work usa, remote work europe, remote work uk, remote work productivity, remote work tips, remote work guides, remote jobs, remote communication, remote companies, remote work trends to be used to structure a remote work site resources section. The characteristics to take into account are the following: The hub and spoke model should be listed in bullet points, in English, along with the search intent of each of the keyword. The target audience are professionals looking to work remotely. To be used for a resources section to be published in April 2023 with the goal to attract and fulfill the need of a digital nomad.  professional audience.” 

The input/output in English with Bing bot:

The input/output In English with ChatSonic:

“Generate 10 article ideas about popular “remote work advice” topics to be used to identify articles opportunities to write about in a remote work website. The characteristics to take into account are the following: The ideas should be listed in bullet points, making each of them unique without repeating already published ones, along with the user search intent that they will fulfill and the sentiment. The target audience are professionals looking to work remotely. To be used for an article to be published in April 2023 with the goal to attract and fulfill the need of a digital nomad professional audience”

The input/output In English with ChatSonic:

The input/output In English with Bard:

The input/output in Spanish with ChatGPT:

I hope the Google sheet generator helps you to generate effective AI prompts faster like this… Happy AI prompting!

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