Council Post: 11 Tactics To Distribute Content Effectively Through Social Media Platforms

Council Post: 11 Tactics To Distribute Content Effectively Through Social Media Platforms

Using different social media platforms to distribute content can keep your target audience consistently in the loop. From using visuals to swiftly putting the content out there, there are effective methods that can make your content accessible on different channels for your audience.

Some companies may only work one way when it comes to distributing their content on social media. Below, 11 Forbes Communications Council members share tips on how to distribute that content in many effective ways.

1. Distribute What Your Audience Wants Swiftly

Social media algorithms value speed and relevancy. Give your audience what they want, when they want it. Sports audiences pair social media with the viewing experience; content providers must deliver highlights and analysis at pace with gameplay. This means carefully integrating game data, features and relevant video shorts along with engaging graphics to really capture the attention of the fan. -Nancy Hensley,Stats Perform

Visualize, optimize and measure by creating animated GIFs or quick videos to highlight the key points of the content that makes it stand out in user feeds. Additionally, optimizing the post with the appropriate keywords, hashtags, people tags and tracking posts via Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) codes enables you to reach a broader audience and measure performance to optimize sponsored campaigns. -Megan Ruszkowski,CoreSite

3. Tailor Your Content To Your Audience

We take an amplifier approach to our social content distribution. Being B2B, it isn't about the masses, but a specific network of buyers. Our team (sales, relationship management and coaches) naturally builds social networks in the region. Then with a mobile app, they share any of our content at any time (which is useful since we operate globally). Ambassadors multiply our social content, and it helps them as well. -Michael Cupps,ActiveOps

4. Deliver Content In More Ways Than One

Diversify your delivery methods. Content is an important part of company storytelling and can be delivered in different ways via different channels. On social, people are there to connect with other people, so the “talking heads” approach works well here; puts faces to ideas and messaging. Those faces can be company spokespeople as well as happy customers — all guiding people to brand content. -Jeremy Foreshew,Ambassador Software

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Drive more views by having your team and company comment on the posts of influencers and thought leaders in your space. However, never pitch or promote on someone else's feed. Use it to contribute to their debate. If you can make interesting and thought-provoking comments, people will get interested enough to come and check out your profile. -Andrew Martin,Asia Online Publishing Group

6. Use Your Audience's Point Of View

Approach distribution from your audience's point of view. How do they want to be talked to? What topics or themes catch their attention? What value can you provide to them? When your distribution strategy focuses on delighting and empathizing with your audience, you'll be able to provide them with a better experience and, ultimately, engage them in a more meaningful way. -Melissa Zehner,Foundation

7. Angle Your Content For Different Channels

Align distribution tactics with the social media platform. LinkedIn is more appropriate for educational and informative content, whereas, Facebook may be more storytelling and Instagram is highly visual. It may be the same piece of content, but the way that you push it out across social channels will be slightly different and highly effective. -Erica Morgenstern,Virgin Pulse

Understanding your audience and their behaviors provide insight on how best to engage and distribute content effectively on each social media platform. When you customize and personalize the content according to your audience and specific platforms, followers are more inclined to save and share your posts, distribute your content even further and increase the chances of future reshares. -Maura Kennedy,Strategic Elements

Build an editorial calendar, develop multiple content forms (eg. copy, video, imagery, audio) for priority subject areas to ensure message consistency and test effectiveness with paid support to targeted audiences to drive reach. -Tara Naughton,MikeWorldWide

It helps to use a third-party social media scheduler. Personally, my company uses Later, which provides great analytics and tracking features. However, we've also heard great things about Hootsuite and Planoly for social media management. These services let you track performance and see what works and what doesn't, which makes all the difference. -Amine Rahal,IronMonk Solutions

The key is to focus on the headlines and the images or video that goes with the content. Packaging the content with a compelling message (ie. headline) and including visuals optimized for the key social channels will attract more attention and generate more shares and engagement. -Tom Treanor,Snipp Interactive

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