Movement and Visibility Detection with CSS and JS ????

Movement and Visibility Detection with CSS and JS ????

Although CSS has added so many features recently, we still have to use JavaScript to detect when an element becomes visible?

As this year's State of CSS survey is open for contributions, we can look back on a year of CSS innovation and better cross-browser support. Extended color space, container queries, and parent/child selectors, top wish list items for years, are now available in modern web browsers.

But we still struggle with visibility detection. There is no and no selector to select elements based on their visibility or sticky state.

An apparently simple use case could be a single page portfolio website. We have some pictures, some text, some links, and the contact information. A minimalist website focused on images and visuals, so we want to add some animation. We might also want to shrink or hide the header when scrolling down and make it appear when scrolling up again.

Both use cases are best solved in JavaScript using , which has a better performance than implementation alternatives based on event handlers. Scroll detection can waste performance, time, and energy, blocking our main thread and makes websites feel slow and sluggish. is a modern API optimized by browser engines.

But is also an API that requires some boilerplate code which is not easy to understand and learn, especially as a beginner or as a web developer focused on CSS and web design.

I will focus on our animation example in this post, as there are already a lot of blog posts about sticky headers and their complicated details, especially when it comes to compatibility with Safari browsers on iPhones that don't get the latest updates anymore.

As micro-animations are trending in web design, we want to animate elements when they come into view, like when scrolling down a website, we could make a teaser text move in a subtle way, or make an image enter the viewport.

Simple animations, technically defined as transitions with animation keyframes, don't need to be reinvented. Animate.css ( is a popular open source CSS animation library that offers a set of predefined animations that can be customized and configured.

Animating a heading or an image becomes quite easy with , as we only need to add two class names: , and another class to choose an animation effect.

But without adding a visibility detection, the animations don't wait for the user to view the element, so they might already have finished when the user scrolls the elements into view. A simple visibility detection using is not that simple after all. We need to

You can the commented code pen and a real-world use case below.

It seems counter-intuitive that we have to check the intersection criteria in our callback. I would have expect the IntersectionObserver to return only elements that have changed in the entries array. But it seems that initializing an IntersectionObserver causes an intial function call with an array that contains all observable objects, whether they are intersecting or not. See this StackOverflow answer from 2017 for more details.

For the actual portfolio website, I added another attribute, to be used instead of when the animated element is displayed within a column (portrait) layout like on a small smartphone screen. So we can use different animation directions to adapt our animations to alternative screen layouts.

As an example of an actual website, check out out the code on GitHub. The actual website is still a work in progress, but you can see the animations at

Although our websites might often be complex enough to use custom logic and some JavaScript anyway, there are simple situations where we could do without the boilerplate code and just use some CSS to style a website. So this is my conclusion:

Let's keep our eyes open for upcoming CSS innovation. I hope that there will be something like a selector so we can handle simple use cases like this, without redundant boilerplate JavaScript code, so that it becomes even easier to focus on visual web design in the future.

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