My Favorite Twitter Tools: Social Jukebox

My Favorite Twitter Tools: Social Jukebox

I recently shared a list of mytop tools for Twitter that everyone should know about. And now, I want to do a deeper dive into some of my essentials so you can learn more about them. After all, the right tools play a huge role in helping you to become a successful Twitter user!

The first tool I want to talk about is one that I rely on on a daily basis: Social Jukebox. It’s a scheduling tool, but it has one key feature that will completely change how you schedule content from here on out.

If you feel that scheduling Twitter posts is taking up too much of your time, you aren’t alone. Back in 2013, the founder of Social Jukebox, Tim Fargo, started using Twitter as a way to promote his book, Alphabet Success. He quickly realized that scheduling tweets to be published daily took up quite a bit of time.

Since he was primarily scheduling evergreen content that didn’t require many changes, he wanted a way to repeat the same message multiple times over the course of a month. And ultimately, Social Jukebox was born out of this need in January 2014. The goal of this scheduler? To eliminate the hours you put into scheduling social media posts each week, thus putting more time back into your day.

Social Jukebox allows you to easily schedule content for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And it does so in a way where you can build up a library of high-quality, evergreen content that recycles into the foreseeable future.

When it comes to choosing a tool for scheduling your tweets, the features are really what you want to take a look at. You want something that’s easy to use and will simplify your life, not require you to spend ages scheduling content.

The primary feature that makes Social Jukebox so special is the actual Jukebox itself. And no, this isn’t the kind of jukebox that is going to start playing music when you insert change! However, you can think about it in that way. A traditional jukebox has a set selection of songs that you can choose from and play over and over. And theirs works just like that!

You’ll fill your Jukebox with thousands of posts that can then get recycled over time. When your Jukebox is done sharing all of those posts, it starts all over again. This way, your social media queue never runs empty. You don’t have to sit down each week and spend hours scheduling fresh content. Instead, you can plug tons of evergreen content into your Jukebox and let the tool do the rest of the work for you.

Besides the Jukebox, they also offer a targeted posts feature. This is perfect if you have a message that you want to repeat a few times to help it gain more traction with your community. These are posts that you want to send out on a specific date and/or frequency so you can have the post be shared daily, weekly, or even several times a day. It allows you to set it and forget it since you don’t have to remember to keep posting it.

And the last stand-out feature that I want to mention is Social Jukebox’s mentions database. This houses all of your Twitter mentions in one convenient place. You’ll also be able to see mentions over time in a graph format, which displays your top promoters and other important details you need to know about.

The great thing about Social Jukebox is that they offer a free 14-day trial for anyone who wants to test it out before making the investment. It allows you to really get a feel for their platform. Then, you can make an informed decision on whether or not it’s right for you.

If you’re ready to become a paying customer, there are four different plans that Social Jukebox offers, shown above. You can choose between Advanced, Pro, Business, and Ultimate. The difference between each one is that the various tiers dictate how many Jukeboxes you can add per account, the number of stored posts you can save, how many targeted posts you can have, and the amount of social media accounts you can link.

Which one you go with really depends on your needs! The cost will range from $19.99 per month to $99.99 per month. You can also keep some cash in your wallet when you choose to pay annually instead of monthly.

I personally use Social Jukebox to handle all of my evergreen Twitter scheduling, and can absolutely vouch for how awesome this tool is. Using other tools, I would have to schedule new posts each week, which took quite a bit of time out of my already packed schedule. But using Social Jukebox has allowed me to build up this library of content that never expires. My queue never goes empty. And I’ve been able to free up a bunch of time that can now be dedicated to other tasks. When you’re a solopreneur, that’s game-changing!

Take a look at how much time you’re currently spending on scheduling social media content. Do you feel like it’s taking up too much of your precious time? Do you wish you could use some of that time for other tasks? If so, give Social Jukebox a try!

All you have to do is load a piece of content in the Jukebox once and it’s ready to be posted multiple times. But if you have posts that don’t need to be recycled and need to go out at certain dates or times, they can help you handle that as well! This tool has everything you need to make managing your social media presence even easier.

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