Preparing for AI transformation of ecommerce - ChannelX

Preparing for AI transformation of ecommerce - ChannelX

AI will drive the next industrial revolution of ecommerce. Mark Stanley, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Shopware takes a look at the “how” and the “why,” as well as what you can do to better prepare.

AI will drive the next industrial revolution of ecommerce. Here’s a look at the “how” and the “why,” as well as what you can do to better prepare.

As pervasive as it is, AI is still in its infancy. It’s early days and while there’s resounding excitement as to what it can do and make possible, the reality is this is just the beginning. Sometime soon, AI will be part of everything—woven into the fabric of our day-to-day lives in ways we’re only beginning to fathom.

That also means that every business—no matter the sector—has a shot at getting “good” at it and embracing AI in a way which will propel it forward, specifically by helping to serve customers more effectively and efficiently. In that way, AI will be the driver of the next industrial revolution as it applies to the world of ecommerce, not unlike the last one we experienced courtesy of the dawn of the internet and the world wide web.

That may sound like a big statement, but hear me out: AI will march up the value stack to provide deeper personal experiences for shoppers. What would take many hours of development could be curated via a series of simple natural language commands. Plugged into our wider technology ecosystem, AI could understand relevance at a much deeper level and thus provide real-time benefits to merchants. While most attention will be on visible use cases, the real impact will be on invisible systems which automate, facilitate and accelerate back-office tasks. Content creation and curation will lead to more bespoke experiences for software users.

AI’s transformation of the ecommerce industry is well underway, optimising business operations and automating and enhancing. By providing a personalised and seamless shopping experience, AI adds significant value for customers, offering tailored product recommendations, improved search functionality, and faster response times for customer support inquiries. Additionally, AI can optimise shipping and delivery processes, ensuring quicker and more accurate deliveries.

It also enhances CX, personalising product recommendations based on browsing and purchase history, improving search functionality with natural language processing, providing instant customer support by way of chatbots and virtual assistants and gauging customer satisfaction through sentiment analysis to improve services.

Furthermore, AI algorithms analyse user data such as browsing history, past purchases, and preferences to generate personalised product recommendations. These tailored suggestions help customers discover relevant products more efficiently, leading to increased engagement and sales.

Core capabilities like voice shopping, made possible through AI-powered voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant, are game changers, enabling customers to search for products, place orders and track deliveries using voice commands. This technology not only simplifies the shopping process but also makes it more accessible for users with visual impairments or other disabilities.

Then there’s visual search, AI-based visual search technology allows customers to upload images and find similar products on ecommerce platforms. This feature enhances the shopping experience by making it more intuitive and convenient for customers.

Dynamic pricing, through which AI algorithms can analyse real-time market data to determine optimal pricing strategies for products, helps retailers and marketplaces stay competitive, maximise profits, and better manage inventory.

AI systems can also identify and prevent fraudulent activities by analysing transaction data, user behavior patterns and other variables, ultimately streamlining fraud detection and prevention. This technology helps ecommerce businesses protect their customers and maintain a secure shopping environment.

In terms of supply chain optimisation, AI can be used to optimise supply chain operations by predicting demand, automating inventory management, and identifying potential bottlenecks. This leads to reduced operational costs and more efficient delivery of products.

All to say that these AI-based functionalities, taken together, are a means toward “superpowering” people, brands and businesses to help them do what they do, just better.

Now that we’ve established what’s happening and how, there’s much to be said as to how you can help prepare your business to adapt to both this epic paradigm shift and AI-driven changes.

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